A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

千里之行, 始於足下 (Qiānlǐ zhī xíng, shǐ yú zúxià)

Hey everyone! For my first ever blog post, I thought I’d share a quote that I learned from my professor in Chinese 3. It’s a pretty cheesy quote that means even the hardest, longest, and most difficult ventures begin somewhere, but it’s why I figured I’d start a blog recording my progress through my career, life, etc.

So…why make a blog instead of posting on Facebook, Tumblr, etc.? Well first off I don’t want to spam my friends’ newsfeeds about stuff they might not be interested in. Second, I believe it’s pretty hard to know how to become a better at working with data in general. There’s news/articles everywhere and ever-growing products that help provide insight. So, I want to record the things I’ve learned and heard about “connecting data together” and a blog would probably be best at doing that. Now, I’m just a 23-year-old so don’t expect me to be the most experienced guy to talk to about gathering/storing/utilizing data to its fullest potential, but my goal is to become that kind of person.

These first few posts will most likely be a reflection of past articles, or things I’ve done/learned in the past few years. However, as time goes on, my hope is to make this become a reliable/accurate source of information for at least one visitor.

Let’s see how this turns out,

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